Walt Disney World

Hidden Inside Epcot Morocco | Disney photography by Rachel Abrahams


When visiting Epcot, most people do 1 or 2 things: Ride all the rides in Future World and/or drink their way through the World Showcase. Now, I know that's not true for everyone but it's very common. I feel like people are missing out so much in the World Showcase when they only spend time at the bars because the awesomeness is not so plainly obvious (say that 10x fast). So, what is there for you to do when you visit the World Showcase? Most people see the countries as boring yet I get so excited about the DETAILS. Ya, I know this is easier said than done if you've got kids in tow but I challenge you the next time you visit Epcot's World Showcase to really wander into and around the "countries". You will be amazed at everything hidden. Move awaaaaay from the lagoon in the middle of the World Showcase and back into the alleys of the countries.

My favorite example of this? Epcot's Morocco. Here is only a small photo sampling of what there is to offer but there is a bazaar hidden in this area. Did you know that?!?

Excellent music and things to see in the World Showcase! Trust me.

P.S. If you do have kids in tow, there are kid stations in each of the countries where they can pick up a mask on a stick and then take it around to every country to get it signed in the country's native language. This definitely helps keep the kids entertained! We picked ours up in Italy and went from there. We also challenged my two cousins to ask everyone how to say hello & goodbye in their native language and learn it.

Which is the better photo? Color or Black and White? | Disney PHOTOGRAPHY by Rachel Abrahams


I need your opinions! Which do you like better? The color photo or the black and white photo? And why (if you don't mind)? Go with your instinct. Both have their positives but I want to choose the one with the biggest impact.

This was taken at Walt Disney World's Epcot in the World Showcase - Morocco.

It Is Springtime in......November? | DISNEY PHOTOGRAPHY by Rachel Abrahams


This is the perfect reason why I love living in Florida (yeah, yeah, I can hear the northerners groaning now). It's April, so a lot of people have SPRING on the brain and therefore it's talk of blooming flowers, beautiful weather, etc.

So, I thought this picture would be wonderfully appropriate......except......it was taken in November. Yup. Winter in Florida looks like this.

I hope I'm not rubbing it in too much.

BTW - This was taken at Walt Disney World in Epcot (The American Adventure Pavilion) during their Food & Wine Festival. It's an awesome event but it can get very crowded and very hot. We were lucky that the weather gods were kind and made it a fairly cool day, so it helped in enduring the crowds. I was a little disappointed this year with their food selection because they greatly decreased their vegetarian options.

So, I suffered in silence and filled my pie hole with more alcohol. That's the saint that I am. Sacrificing left and right, I tell ya.

Contemporary Resort - Magical Shops of Fantasia | DISNEY PHOTOGRAPHY by Rachel Abrahams


In all my trips to Disney, I have never truly explored the Contemporary Resort.

We’ve eaten breakfast there once many moons ago and I’ve ridden through the resort on the monorail countless times, but this evening we decided to have dinner there. I had no idea how many underground floors there were! There is a whole world hidden inside this resort and it’s on many different lower floors for exploration. It was really cool AND I learned the true entrance to the hotel is actually a floor below this one where all the shops are.Summer is coming and I am just not a fan of being at Disney during the summer and standing in line for an hour (or more!) melting into a puddle of sunblock and Mickey Mouse shaped ice cream.  BUT I was invited on a weekend, all expenses paid, trip to Disney. So, am I going to say no because of the above complaints? No way - time to break out the sunblock and ice cream!The good news is that being a Disney pro means knowing all the insider tips/tricks and also realizing that since we live close enough if we don't see/do something we can come back next time with our passes.I am super *stoked* about getting more Disney shots. Anyone have any ideas or suggestions of what you'd like to see a picture of at Disney? Doesn't matter the park - our passes let us go anywhere we please!